Mod1: Revisioning Primal Inheritances

Revisioning Primal Inheritances (Module 1)

The Forming of Our Perspective
Friday eve- Sunday, September 11-13, 2015
With Mardi Storm & Travis Wernet
Sebastopol, CA

This Mercury Retrograde weekend is a powerful time to reflect inward for healing soul work, and it holds the potent seed energy of the New Moon, and the raw transformative power of a Solar Eclipse, supporting energetic shifts and raising new awareness.

Are you longing for deeper connection in your life? To feel more rooted, a sense of belonging, in your body, your community, to the land, to being here? Join us for Revisioning Primal Inheritances and begin to find and gently open these connections to your deep self, healing the places we are unrooted or disconnected from Mother Earth, the All, from each other.

We’ll be entering deep dream space, opening to the flow of the Divine with our breath, in our bodies, and through our creativity. There is space to find that which is truly alive in you, what bit of gold inside went unrecognized? Unnoticed? We’ll be finding and polishing that gold over the series of workshops coming up over the next year. This is the first one, to start at the very beginning, the time we came into the world, and what we came into this world carrying.

Join us for what promises to be a deep and fulfilling journey. The boat is coming in, are you ready to get on it?

Access your inner wisdom with somatic healing.

Who are you really? Why are you here? What were you experiencing at the moment of conception in this human lifetime? You’ll uncover deep seated belief systems, explore ancestral patterns, heal in relation to archetypal energies, and open to your deeper truth in the body. Open to intuition and find guidance of unseen helpers. Learn to feel compassion, greater self-love, and connection.

We’ll deepen relationship to ourselves and our connections to all beings through Awake! Breathwork for heightening awareness of energy stored in the body and somatically shifting into greater wholeness; Dream Work for recognizing and owning our own version of seeing things plus accessing deep wisdom of the soul; Soul Painting for being with & embodying energies; Sound Healing for potent vibrational healing and opening, and more.

This marks the beginning foundational step in Awake! Breathwork & Soul Painting training for those who’d like to become practitioners.

Possible benefits experienced with the Awaken To Your Deeper Self Program:

•    Awaken to greater Self-Love
•    Expand into Compassion
•    Increase Vitality & Joy
•    Unlock Creative Flow
•    Heal Physical, Emotional, Mental
•    Release of the Past & Forgiveness
•    Reduce Stress & Heal Depression
•    Nurture more Loving Relationships
•    Manifest greater Abundance
•    Supports Spiritual Growth
•    Awaken to one’s Deeper Self
•    Access Greater Knowing
•    Attract a Life Partner
•    Find More Meaningful Friendships
•    Open to Life Purpose
•    Become Radiant
•    Connect to Source


Testimonials from previous program participants:

Mardi & Travis… can be trusted to support you in your personal journey of discovery…I cannot recommend them highly enough. ~C.B.

What I most appreciated about the “Spirit” weekend was your integrated invitation for the Divine to express in a variety of creative ways. Most workshops have a primary orientation. Yours invited Sacred sound, prayer, meditation, nature, dreamwork, intuitive painting and deep relationshipwork with horses into a seamless “ship” that sailed into deep inner waters. When we “Arrived in port,” I returned with a with a clear path of heart healing, and a profound new invitation into a life of joy. ~ A.A

I learned things about myself which I had thought done, gone and dealt with only to notice them still lurking in the corners of unhealed places waiting patiently to be brought to light again… I absolutely loved every moment… ~L.T.

I enjoyed the variety… the effervescent vibratory resonance as a result of breathwork, and the deep space touched into with the dreamwork. I also appreciated the challenge and opportunity to explore and express some shadow material via both dreamwork and painting.

I was repeatedly touched to a place of deep release by Mardi and her ability to tune into the deepest levels of my experience and reflect things to me that left me feeling gotten to the point that I could let go of my efforts to be seen and understood and rest in the quiet of surrender. ~A.A.N.

Workshop details & to register:


We create sacred space together at Mamalanda, a beautiful retreat center between Occidental and Sebastopol stewarded by a midwife, for beautiful birthing energy and divine feminine energies honoring the mother, our beginnings. The land offers 4 acres of beautiful gardens and forest with meandering trails through blackberry thickets and secret meadows.  Plenty of room to move, to play, breathe, do yoga, paint, watch the sunset.


The lunches on Saturday & Sunday and dinner on Sunday are catered with yummy locally sourced and mostly organic meals, and a light self-serve breakfast will be provided for campers on Saturday & Sunday. On Saturday during the dinner break local restaurants will be suggested, or feel free to bring your own food. There is a refrigerator and kitchen for our use, including all cookware and flatware.


Residing on the premises for the duration of the workshop is a wonderful way of creating a level of safety for going deeper into your own process, away from your daily life and usual dynamics and connections, and can accelerate opening by remaining continually in sacred space you’ve set aside for yourself. Camping on the beautiful land under the stars is suggested, you may also choose to camp on the floor in the upstairs plant kingdom womb room or downstairs in the conference room. Camping is $30/night and includes use of the hot tub and grounds after hours.  There is also a lovely hotel in Occidental just 5 minutes away for $119/night.


Friday 5:30pm – 8:30pm
Saturday 10am – 5pm, 7pm – 9pm
Sunday 10am – 5pm


$395 at the early rate by 8/14/15, and $425 at the regular rate.  $150 non-refundable deposit holds your spot at either rate. Includes delicious catered lunches Sat & Sun and dinner on Saturday.

Package price: Register for entire program Modules 1-7 at the early rate by 8/14/15 and receive all weekly classes for that year as a bonus for free! That’s a value of $1,800! Weekly classes provide continuous support unfolding in your process and community connection. Early rate for the program is $2,765. ($350 is non-refundable deposit if canceled prior to start of program. Since this a soul commitment and we honor your soul’s choice, we will not refund money after the start of the program.)

Reviewers: $225 early rate by 8/14/15, $255 regular rate. ($100 deposit is non-refundable)