Working with dreams in groups is a highly efficacious and beneficial practice for honoring and learning from the wise energies in our dreams and living a full life. Doing work with each other in a respectful, supportive and explorational fashion becomes an authentic spiritual and soul practice. Often, we have difficulty seeing for ourselves how our dreams offer us fresh insights about our lives and essential natures. In a dreaming community, the shared perspectives of others help us to illuminate the vital messages and truths of the Deep Self.
Travis hosts and leads fun, informative and energetic groups both online, via Zoom video meetings and also in person.
Next Series TBA
Tuesday Evenings, every two weeks, Euro (depends on your time zone)
Time corresponds to 10 AM US, Pacific Standard Time
- 6PM-8PM Western European Time Zone
- 7PM-9PmĀ Central European Time Zone
COST – $180- for six sessionsĀ register now
“A deeper conscious encounter with dreams and myths can nurture creative imagination, creative self-realization and expression, compassion and courage in ways that no other effort of attention can achieve; and these are, and have always been, the qualities and energies we need to confront and transform our eternal human predicament.”
Jeremy Taylor, The Living Labyrinth, Exploring Universal Themes in Myths, Dreams, and the Symbolism of Waking Life